Sunday, September 27, 2015

I never think about the sperm donor, my father. I never thought of him when I was little and I seldom think of him now. I do find myself wondering if, the fact that he rejected me for being a girl, did that have something to do with the choices I made in men?
I often think that if my own father had said look, she is a charmer, a darling, what a blessing instead of..she can’t be a girl, I don’t HAVE fact, he DID have one already with his lovely wife..If he had just for one moment given into my adorable-ness..just once..would my choices have been different?
I wonder this because I chose unfeeling, uncaring men with hearts closed off who never showed affection and I stayed because I thought they would change or change back to who they were during the Honeymoon phase. I got into business relationships trying to always “please’ everyone, selling my personality for pennies.
He missed out. They missed out. Taking a stand recently, something I never have done before? Those people will miss out. I am not selling myself short anymore. I don’t want to be contacted for stupid unimportant bullshit because I just don’t care. If you are my friend you are truly my friend and if you are just waiting to see what I MAY have to SAY about some one or thing? Please move on. I am sure you have more important trolling to do.
I am blessed now. I have a good man who challenges me and wonderful Grandies . I have folks who love me just for me. I am tired of wasting time and air on no-counts. So, if you are looking for a reason to dislike me, here it is; in plain English so there is no confusion..I am blessed beyond words, I am loved beyond my dreams and I will reach my goals whether you are watching me or not. Maybe you should tho, just so you can see how it’s done.